ჩვენ შესახებ

ჩვენ შესახებ

Translation Services and Pricing Plans

Translation service

Written translation
Oral translation
Nonverbal translation/oral translation
Read More

Edit / Correcting

Edit / Correcting

300 words -- 2-10 GEL
(Variable by difficulty)

Typing of the text

Typing of the text

300 words-- 1 GEL



1 page-- 0.5-5 GEL
(Variable according to non-textual material)

Scanning and digitization

Scanning and digitization

1 page -- 5-15 Tetri
(Depends on quantity)

Copywriting, blogging and preparation of presentation texts

Copywriting, blogging and preparation of presentation texts

4 blogs per month -- 60-130 GEL (Variable by volume)
8 blogs per month -- 120-200 GEL (Variable by volume)
Copywriting -- 1 page Variable according to the theme of the material

Arranging of CV and PowerPoint presentations

Arranging of CV and PowerPoint presentations

Making a CV
In Georgian -- 30 GEL

(Variable according to the topic and volume of the material)